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About The Mythical Pen

Greetings to the poor soul who stumbles upon this website. My name is Anna and I am from the heart of the United States–the midwest. I am an artist and designer, but I have many hobbies besides, this being one of them, and for that I deeply apologize. I love to write fantasy for fun, and I wanted an outlet to spew my words, so this came into being.

“And on the seventh day, she closed her laptop and pushed off the next post until next week.”

—Me, from The Life of Me. (No that’s not a real thing. If it was, no one would buy it.)

If you want to know what you’re getting yourself into, strap in and hold on tight because…Well actually, it’s not that interesting. But if you really care, then keep reading!

The Mythical Pen is my outlet for writing. It came about initially from my love for role-playing and not having one to do at the time and feeling the great need to write me some characters and a fantasy setting. Some of the characters are based on ones I made previously for other role-play sites, some are based on characters others made on them, and some are completely new.

The way it works is I post stories chapter-by-chapter, and you get to read them! However I apologize in advance because life and other hobbies sometimes get in the way of posting on the reg and the chapters sometimes tend to be shorter than normal printed book chapters. And I also apologize if my writing is atrocious. I’m still learning and growing, so please forgive me! (And feel free to offer constructive criticism if you feel the need–though if you would like to do this, I’d rather you send me a message through my contact page than comment directly on the posts. I have a fragile ego.)

“But Anna,” you ask, “Where do I start!?!?!?” Well the answer is this: Start at the beginning! Take a gander at the Table of Contents and start with the prologue, The Last Night of Autumn. From there, you should be able to continue clicking “Next Post”at the bottom of each post to read each chapter in order. Please take note: the way my blog is structured puts the most recent (and therefore spoiler-riddled) chapters at the very top of the home page. I have done my best to put warnings in multiple locations to start at the beginning, but until I find a way to work around this, that’s just how it’s going to be.

That’s all for now. Happy reading!

Featured Image: “Quill and Ink” by Craig Sheldon on Flickr