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Main Characters

Here you will find a list of all the characters that have been introduced thus far in order of their appearance. Looking for info on a specific character? Press Ctrl+F and start typing their name. Looking for side characters? Visit the Side Characters page.


Eliana SyrisEliana Syris

Eliana is the main character in Mane of Black. Eliana is a bastard daughter of Roderick Goldmane from the west of Antovia. Her mother was from the house of Nightmane, the rulers of the Northeast, and was therefore born with black hair. Being wanted by neither of her family’s houses, she was abandoned and left to fend for herself and beg on the streets until she was picked up by a mysterious alchemist named Zeno Syris at the age of seven. Zeno brought her to the wild and taught her how to fend for herself. He taught her to mix potions, poisons, how to shoot a bow, hunt, everything she needed to survive. The one thing he always told her over and over again, “Survival is the only thing that matters in this world. Trust will get you killed.”


zeno-syris2Zeno Syris

Zeno is a mysterious man. He was born to a soldier and a whore. Cast aside by his father and neglected by his mother, he ran to the south. On his way and afterwards, he picked up skills in alchemy/potion-making, hunting, and learning to survive on his own. He found Eliana on his travels while going back to the north. He could tell from her appearance that she had the hair of a Nightmane and the eyes of a Goldmane, and he figured out the rest. After learning about her history, he took her under his wing into the wild and taught her everything he knew about alchemy and survival. He left her on her own when she was 16 to fend for herself and continue his adventures on his own.




Iyasha hails from the land of Dargonis, the land of Dragons, which lies to the southeast of Antovia across the Sea of Fire. She’s a mischievous, headstrong woman that tends to act before she thinks. She is quite closed off about her life before coming to Antovia, but she makes it known that she will never go back.

First Appearance: Captured




Axton is the leader of the Snakeheads. Not even those closest to him know much about him. He has a strong sense of dignity and authority. He can be kind when he needs to be, but he can also be scary when he needs to be.

First Apperance: Captured